E-LaBS Research Collaborative
The Education, Learning and Brain Sciences (E-LaBS) Research Collaborative brings together interdisciplinary faculty, researchers, administrators, and students from across Drexel University and higher education institutions worldwide who are committed to teaching and learning through innovative pedagogical and andragogical approaches that support lifelong and lifewide learning across dynamic educational and training environments.

E-LaBS Studies
E-LaBS is actively involved in a wide range of exciting research IRB approved projects.
Current Studies
Evidence-Based Practices, Professional Development & Studying, International, Five Populations
Higher Education: Instructors, Instructional Designers, Professional Development Administrators
Higher Education: Undergraduate & Graduate Students
Higher Education: Academic Advisors & Academic Support Service Personnel
PK-12: Pre-Service Teachers, Teachers & Administators
PK-20 & Sport-Related Organizations: Coaches
Recently Completed Studies
Generative AI Quantitative Investigation into Higher Education Faculty’s Perceptions, Adoption, and Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Alignment with the Learning Sciences and Universal Design for Learning
Spatial Visualization, fNIRS Brain Imaging & Transfer of Learning, Biomedical Engineering

Join E-LaBS
E-LaBS invites researchers, faculty, teachers, instructional designers to become part of the E-LaBS Research Collaborative. Contact: Dr. Kristen Betts at kbetts@drexel.edu